Municipal Well Impact Assessment Report – Santa Rosa
Municipal Well Impact Assessment Report for sites 2410 Montgomery Drive and 2310 Midway Drive, Santa Rosa, CA
- BAI was tasked with characterizing the impact on the regional aquifer of historical releases of DNAPLS from two dry cleaner sites located in Montgomery Village. The study focused on the impact from pumping City Wells along Farmers Lane on a migration of constituents of concern (COC) in the shallow most aquifer.
- BAI designed nested wells at several locations to simultaneously monitor groundwater elevations in 3 separate water bearing zones. Site hydrology comprised of alluvial deposits behaves as a series of semi-confined aquifers. Both vertical and lateral migration of COC’s were continuous monitored over several years. Groundwater draw down due to pumping from the city wells was monitored in each water bearing zone continuously over time using transducers with self-contained data loggers in each nested well screen interval. Data was downloaded monthly from the transfers providing continuous characterizations of groundwater movement.