Materials Testing
- permeability
- moisture density by modified proctor
- moisture density by Caltrans 216
- compaction
- classification (Atterberg limits)
- soil classification
- sieves, hydrometer
- moisture content
- oversize rock correction
- Sample temperature
- Air entrainment
- Air void
- Unit weight
- Ball penetration
- dry density
- strength
- expansion potential
- sand equivalent
- durability
- Marshall stability
- Asphalt content
- Gradation
- Asphalt binder content
- Max theoretical specific gravity (Rice)
- Bulk relative density
- Voids content

• Compaction
• Utility trench backfill testing
• Shallow and deep foundation excavation observations
• Drainage installation review
• Liner installation review
• Slurry wall construction oversight and testing
• Soil, Rock and Aggregate Sampling
• Permeability testing
• Percolation testing
• Rockbolt and soil nail testing
• Retaining wall backfill testing
• slump
• temperature
• unit weight
• air content
• batch plant sampling
• compaction
• sampling
• batch plant sampling
Materials Testing and Inspections Capabilities
Supporting key staff on these projects are BAI’s robust trained and certified inspector corps and accredited testing laboratory. BAI’s technician corps are certified by:
- the International Code Council (ICC),
- the American Concrete Institute, (ACI),
- The American Welding society (AWS),
- California Department of Transportation (Caltrans),
- Nuclear Gauge Operations Certification Program
The laboratory’s field equipment are annually certified to the Standard of the National Institute of Structure and Technology (NIST).
BAI has a full service geotechnical and materials testing laboratory at our Santa Rosa, California location that is capable of performing the tests necessary to evaluate the engineering properties of soil, rock, and concrete materials in accordance with the applicable industry standards.
Earthwork Quality Control
- Directing Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) operation and interpreting results
- Directing Standard Penetration Test (SPT) operation, classifying soils and interpreting results
- Soils compaction testing
- Stabilized base and sub-base materials inspection
- Rigid and flexible pavement construction testing
- Deep and shallow foundation excavation inspection
- Pile driving inspection, deep soil densification inspection
Materials Testing – Soil, Concrete, Asphalt, Masonry, Steel
- Compressive strength of concrete
- Compressive strength of masonry, mortar, and grout
- Flexural strength of concrete beams
- Coring of concrete and masonry
- Loading of in-place bolts and embeds
- Load testing of in-place reinforcing steel
- Laboratory asphalt testing
- Asphalt design mix review
- Concrete design mix review
Special Inspection
- Field welding and structural steel inspection
- Bolt torque inspection
- Steel shop fabrication inspection
- Non-destructive testing
- Welder certification coupon testing
- Fireproofing inspection
- High strength anchor & expansion bolt testing
- Reinforced concrete inspection
- Pre-stress/post tension concrete inspection
- Masonry inspection
- Concrete, Asphalt batch plant inspection