Fire Cleanup and Rebuilding
Brunsing Associates, Inc. (BAI) staff has worked with teams of first responders, county and city offices, and local engineers and architects to help residents recover. BAI has successfully completed over 100 disaster recovery projects throughout the State of California including Sonoma, Solano, Santa Cruz, Butte, Napa, Lake, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Our gained insight and experiences with the 2017 Tubbs Fire, 2018 Woolsey (Malibu) Fire, 2019 Kincade Fire, 2020 CZU, North Complex, Glass and LNU Complex Fires, and the 2021 Dixie and El Dorado Fires has boosted our ability to be a leader in disaster and rebuilding efforts.
BAI has provided assistance to homeowners throughout the process. BAI has worked directly with insurance claim adjusters to assure homeowners that costs are fully covered.
BAI is under contract in California with the County of Sonoma as a duly qualified disaster response and recovery operations firm, experienced in disaster recovery projects and related services. BAI is a licensed hazmat contractor providing turnkey project management, engineering and construction services.
Our team will provide cleanup, soil sampling, address all environmental concerns, erosion control, and foundation evaluations. Our team will also provide the necessary documentation that contamination has been removed from your property after cleanup is completed.

BAI’s Team Approach to Disaster Recovery
BAI provides early co-ordination with your rebuild Team in order to execute efficient cleanup while preserving infrastructure. Our soft cleanup approach minimizes disturbance to potentially sound foundations and other infrastructures including driveways, septic tanks and wells.
- Debris removal permitting
- Remove unstable structures
- Recovery of personal items
- Asbestos Assessment and Abatement
- Metal and concrete separation and recycling
- Debris disposal and documentation
- Confirmation soil testing and site clearance
- Foundation assessment including strength & integrity

Would you like assistance with your fire cleanup and rebuilding needs?
We want to help you! Fill out our checklist and send it to us:
Some helpful resources:
Marshall Fire – Boulder County site:
Boulder Office of Emergency Management site:
The official Sonoma County recovery site:
Sonoma County Resource Conservation District resources:
Cal OES Fire related: